
Since our initial conceptualization, the global energy transition towards clean renewable sources have influenced all regions and levels of society. Two factors have been the main drivers for digital transformation - decentralization and electrification. Decentralization pertains to the production side of energy where conventional top-down energy producers are being replaced by surplus of distributed energy resources (DERs) - mainly from solar and wind power sources. On the supply end of the spectrum, growing geopolitical and social attentiveness to carbon neutrality coupled with the prominence of electric vehicles and digitized everyday appliances, have exponentially increased the number and variety of devices, participants, and transactions in the previously simple and unilateral energy sector. Our aim is to provide a synergy of innovative disruptions to provide automation, standardization, and optimization of processes in the renewable energy landscape, through the aggressive penetration of enabling technologies in AI, IoT, and blockchain. As DERs such as in solar are in fact assets that produce energy as well as revenue, our approach is to roll out various services all interconnected within an ubiquitous platform for renewable asset management. Furthermore, as efforts for decarbonization lead to the democratization of energy, we are foremost in utilizing the decentralized factors of blockchain technologies to progressively introduce new initiatives and business models to attract new entrants to the energy sector, by making renewable energy readily accessible and tactile to everyday consumers.

This guidebook serves as an in-depth overview of the current state of the energy transition, which has drastically been accelerated into numerous paths and derivatives in the limited span of a few years since the first whitepaper was released. With changing landscapes, our approach has always been to be agile in applying technological aspects progressively at every level of paradigm shifts and needs of current and future clients. As we open the chapter to the year 2023, there are already implications for a next wave of disruptive technologies, such as in the recent implications of AI-powered platforms such as ChatGPT, and more closely to blockchain, the emergence of web3 era. Thus, based on the central ideas set forth in our initial whitepaper, we aim to expand on key ideas and viable prospects in lieu of current and imminent changes to the energy market and renewable energy sector.

This guidebook, however, is not proposed to be a direct replacement for the whitepaper, nor does it constitute investment advice. It is purely to communicate the foundations for REDi infranet and what it is aimed to represent. In light of transparency and open communication, our Team will continue to provide, to the best of our ability, changes, updates, or supplements to the whitepaper, and those newly introduced through this guidebook.

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