how to play

  1. connect wallet to begin

  • users must connect a digital wallet to participate in the dr simulation campaign

  • only klaytn-based decentralized wallets (metamask, kaikas) are compatible

  • on your web browser (such as google chrome) connect your wallet using the corresponding web extensions, or create a new wallet via metamask or kaikas.

  1. select your solar asset

  • For each round, you can choose one (1) solar asset from the asset list. Each digital solar asset is code-named to reflect the actual solar asset that it mirrors in the redi ecosystem

  • When entering the "play" menu, details for every solar asset can be found by clicking on each solar asset from its list below. Each digital solar asset is unique in its power capacity, structural type, and location. For simulation purposes, only solar assets that have shown daily averages of 5~6 production hours are selected

  • To select a solar asset for each round, click on the solar asset of your choice, and from its profile card. click "select"

  • for each round, solar asset can be selected between 9am ~ 2:15pm (KST)

  1. apply items to boost production

  • once you have selected your solar asset, you may apply one or more items at your disposal to boost daily power output

  • your items inventory can be accessed via the "items" menu, which contains all items you have obtained from previous rounds and/or acquired via Shop or Marketplace

  • items can only be applied during 9am ~ 2:15pm (except for Point Boost & Random Box)

    • point boosts can be applied up to 5 minutes before daily rankings are released (~ 6:25pm)

    • random box can be open at any time

  • details to the types of items and its effects can be found here

  1. track daily power production data

  • Just like in real-world operations, solar energy begins to generate at sunrise, and diminishes by sundown. In dr, solar energy begins to generate by 9am and ends by 3pm (KST)

  • Since all solar power plants differ in max solar generation capacity, rankings in solar output is measured in hours ( ex. for a solar power plant of 500 kWh max capacity, its output measured as 3 hours corresponds to a total of 1,500 kW produced that day)

  • If you have chosen your solar asset at each round, the actual power production for that corresponding day is shown at 3pm (KST) via the "play" menu

  • Based on actual mechanical and geographical characteristics of solar power plants, each may differ in daily output. Such influences includes mechanical differences in solar panel and other key hardware components, local weather and temperature, and/or real-time changes solar irradiance due to moving clouds or shadows from surrounding infrastructure

  1. check final results (daily, weekly)

  • As the round progresses, daily rankings are updated everyday by 6:30pm (KST).

  • After the end of each round, the final ranking of participants are announced every Sunday (6:30pm), and corresponding rewards are distributed to the winners. The final points tally is based on a points systems that measures the day-end power output as well as boosts from applying items during that day

  • From the "rankings" menu, rankings for i) daily, and ii) total for each round is updated as the round progresses

  • Your current points tally and rank can be found below the ranking board during each round

  1. Maximize your chances

  • Attendance: boost your chances to win items by checking-in everyday. Rewards can be given in terms of total & consecutive log-in days

  • Shop: if you lack items or wish to acquire more, you may purchase each item from the official "Shop" menu

  • Marketplace: within dr, a decentralized marketplace is where you can register your items to be sold, as well to purchase items from other players

  • NFT staking & buyback: you may use your items to maximize your returns via NFT staking and NFT buyback

💬 help & assistance

if you encounter any problems during the round or have any questions, online help & assistance is available via the official REDI community on discord.

Last updated